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Non-Surgical Eyelift

Our eyes are often one of the more prominent areas which can show signs of ageing. It's also one of the most challenging places to treat. Non-surgical techniques may not provide the desired outcomes, while surgery may take a long time to recover from. 

The solution is SmoothEye.


SmoothEye is a non-invasive procedure that rejuvenates the eye region by minimising fine lines and wrinkles, raising the upper eyelid, and eliminating 'hooding'. With minimal downtime, this treatment tightens, tones, and rejuvenates the sensitive region around the eyes. SmoothEye may also be used in conjunction with Fotona 4D to rejuvenate the whole face, neck, and eyelids.




Prior to Treatment


 Every person wishing to be treated at Advanced Laser Clinic will require a consultation with our Laser Consultant prior to their first treatment. We encourage any and all questions during this consultation to help you better understand the therapy. To determine your eligibility for treatment, you will be asked to fill out a consultation form concerning your health and medicines. To confirm that the laser settings are appropriate for you, a patch test will be done on your skin. We may start your laser therapy if there are no reactions 24 hours following your patch test. It's critical to keep your treated region out of the sun before undergoing laser treatment. Before beginning any therapy, your skin must be shielded from the sun for at least two weeks. Both before and after the therapy, this is critical. The lasers function by delivering a certain amount of heat to a specific depth in your tissue to get the desired result. When exposed to the light, this end point might be amplified, resulting in undesired side effects.


Procedure Time

Down Time

Skin Types

Price/ Procedure


Topical Anesthetic

20 mins.





Before & After

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