Dealing with plantar warts on your feet can be frustrating in more ways than one. Beyond compromising your cosmetic appearance and confidence, these warts can also be a source of discomfort for many people. Not to mention, warts are a growing problem that can spread when left unattended.
That's why Advanced Laser Clinic offers Laser Wart Removal treatments that aim to remove unwanted blemishes on your skin. Our state-of-the-art laser technology can target and destroy warts without causing damage to the surrounding skin.
The result is clear, smooth skin that is free of warts. If you are self-conscious about your warts or if they are causing you pain, then don't hesitate to contact us about our Laser Wart Removal treatments. We can help you regain your confidence and get rid of your warts for good.
What are the Symptoms and Causes of Plantar Warts?
Plantar warts are warts that grow on the soles of your feet. They can be small or large, and they often have a black dot in the centre, which is the wart's blood vessels. These look like small lumps that can be found on the feet, typically in the pressure areas. They may also be grainy to the touch and can cause discomfort.
There are many different causes of plantar warts, but the most common is coming into contact with the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is often found in moist, public places like locker rooms and swimming pools. It can also be spread from person to person. If you have plantar warts, it's essential to take steps to prevent them from spreading.
How Our Laser Wart Removal Can Help You.
If you are looking for a safe and effective way to remove warts, our laser wart removal may be the right solution for you. This procedure uses a laser to target and destroy the wart tissue while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. This can provide you with results that are both long-lasting and cosmetically pleasing.
The goal of laser treatment for warts is to destroy the virus that causes the wart by cutting off its blood supply. The Nd:YAG 1064 laser penetrates deep below the skin surface to target the blood vessels feeding the wart. This eliminates the blood supply to the wart, causing the virus to die along with the wart.
Let Advanced Laser Clinic Get Rid of Your Unwanted Warts
If you're suffering from plantar warts, you know how painful and inconvenient they can be. Walking can be difficult, and standing for long periods of time can be excruciating. Not to mention, plantar warts are unsightly and can take a toll on your self-esteem. Luckily, our laser wart removal can help.
Our treatment is a quick, easy, and painless procedure that can get rid of your plantar warts for good. The laser targets the wart and destroys it while stimulating the surrounding skin to promote healing. If you're ready to get rid of your plantar warts once and for all, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions and help you decide if laser wart removal is right for you!
Prior to Treatment
Every person wishing to be treated at Advanced Laser Clinic will require a consultation with our Laser Consultant prior to their first treatment.
At this appointment, we welcome all questions to advance your understanding of the treatment. There will be a consultation form to be completed about your health and medications to assess your eligibility for treatment.
It is important to run a patch test on the skin to make sure that the settings are safe and suitable for your skin. If there are no reactions 24 hours after your patch test, we can commence your laser treatment.
Before laser therapy, it is very important that you keep your treated area away from sun exposure. Your skin needs to be protected from the sun for a minimum of two weeks before any treatment commences. It is important for pre and post treatment. The lasers work on delivering a specific temperature at a certain depth in the tissue to produce the desired results. This is the end point that can be aggravated if or when exposed to sun causing unwanted adverse effects on the skin.

Procedure Time
Down Time
Skin Types
Price/ Procedure
Topical Anesthetic
5-10 mins.
Before & After
Is Fotona Laser safe?Yes, as the laser treatment is a non-surgical and non-invasive process which makes use of multi-laser technology., it is clinically proven to be safe for all skin types. Apart from this, it has minimal to no downtime and produces satisfactory results.
Do you offer numbing for Laser hair removal?Unfortunately, topical numbing creams are not safe nor effective when doing Laser Hair Removal. The sensation you feel in treatment is not felt on the skin, but in the follicle of the hair. Unfortunately numbing cream cannot penetrate deep enough to minimise the discomfort that may be felt at the follicle. Please ensure that no occlusive creams are present in the treatment areas when undergoing laser hair removal treatments.
What areas are included in a Full Body Laser Hair Removal?A Full Body Laser Hair Removal includes every part of your body except the head.
Can I have my treatment when I am menstruating?Yes - you can still have laser hair removal treatment while on your period. We advise you to wear a tampon or menstrual cup if you would like to have the Brazilian area treated.
Can I have Laser hair removal if i have Epilepsy?Epilepsy sufferers are advised to consult with their doctor about having Laser Hair Removal. An individual will need to obtain medical clearance from their doctor prior to starting treatment. At Laser Clinics Australia, we also offer various options of protective eyewear to ensure your safety at all times during treatment.
What kind of results can I expect?A majority of patients who undergo this treatment see an 80-90% reduction in their hair growth. and the hair follicles that remain after treatment are damaged, meaning that they will produce a finer hair than before treatment. In the weeks following the laser treatment, you will be noticing less hair, slower-growing hair, and even hair falling out. There is also a reduction in hair bumps and ingrown hairs after your first treatment. It is important to apply moisturizers and cool compresses immediately after the treatment if you feel any discomfort in the treated area. Following the treatment, overall you should be able to see a loss of hair over the month. It is recommended to use sunscreen whenever you step out. Although there are some complications that may occur with the process of laser hair removal, as it is with any medical procedure, these are usually minor and rarely occur. Any possible effects of laser hair removal will be reviewed by your clinician during your consultation.
Pre & post care for laser hair removal treatments.- You are required to shave the entire area you wish to get treated prior to the day of your laser hair removal treatment. - Avoid using exfoliators such as alpha beta hydroxyl acid, alcohol toners or any other creams which might be irritating, for one-week before your laser hair removal treatment. - Do not apply any perfumes, deodorants or any type of makeup to the area to be treated on the day of your treatment. - Do not go for any artificial tanning such as tanning beds and spray tans within 2-3 weeks prior to your treatment. - After your hair removal treatment, you may experience the growth of hair for up to two weeks. However, this is only the treated hair that is being shed from the follicle. - Following your laser hair removal treatment, you will likely experience slight redness and swelling around the hair follicles and some mild discomfort, mostly similar to sunburn. Cool packs may be applied. - You may observe during and after your session the smell of burned hair. However, this is normal. - It is essential to avoid swimming pools and spas treated with chemicals or chlorine until the skin returns to its normal condition. - Until the skin returns to normal condition, you must not have any facials or peels on any treated facial areas. - If the underarm area is being treated, do not use deodorant for 24 to 48 hours. - Following the treatment, do not rub, or pick the area which is treated. Use of loofahs or abrasive scrubs is prohibited for at least 5 days. - Do not practice any strenuous sport activities and any hot water, saunas or jacuzzi for 3 days. - In case a crust develops on the treat area, use aloe Vera twice daily to keep it moist until it gets healed. - If you notice any signs of infection or blistering in the treated area, contact us. - Use sunblock SPF 30 or 50 to protect the skin before and after all treatments.
Scheduling your next treatment.- Shaving is recommended between sessions and 1 or 2 days prior to your next appointment. - The sessions of the facial area treatment are scheduled in four week intervals and four to six weeks for other areas. - Disrupting or missing the appointments can cause less than optimal results. - Between the schedule of treatments, you should not undergo Electrolysis, waxing, threading or tweezing. Avoid tweezing between sessions, however, shaving can be done..

Long-Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Treatment of Warts: Report on a Series of 369 Cases. Tae Young Han, Ji Ho Lee, Chang Kyun Lee, Ji Young Ahn, Seong Jun Seo and Chang Kwun Hong. National Library of Medicine, Vol. 24(5): 2009 Oct. Read Full Text
Wart removal without anesthesia using long-pulse 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser. Anže Zorman, Neža Koron
J Cosmetic Dermatology 2021 Feb;20(2):506-512.doi: 10.1111/jocd.13593. Epub 2020 Jul 16. Read Full Text
Treatment of warts with 1064 nm Nd:YAG. Katja Semprimoznik, Robin Sult, Masa Gorsic. Journal of the Laser and Health Academy Vol. 2012, No.1. Read Full Text