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StarWalker MaQX

Combining four complementary wavelengths and 14 laser modalities,

the StarWalker functions as a highly versatile, multipurpose system that

performs a wide range of applications in aesthetics. StarWalker’s energy,

four colors and proprietary FracTAT™ procedure also make StarWalker

an industry leading tattoo removal laser system


Since its introduction, Fotona’s QX MAX has been globally recognized as

an ultraperformance Q-switched laser system. The StarWalker represents

the next important evolutionary step forward and takes the system to an

even higher level.

StarWalker’s third-generation technology combines the unsurpassed range

of pulse duration modes of Fotona’s VSP (Variable Square Pulse) technology

with the revolutionary capability of ASP™ to adapt the temporal structure of

laser pulses to the biophotonic dynamics of laser-tissue interaction.


StarWalker is capable of delivering up to an unprecedented 10 J of Q-switched

energy in one giant structured MaQX pulse for treating epidermal and dermal

pigmented lesions, and includes long-pulse infrared VERSA3 and green

VERDE™ modes for enhanced vascular treatments.



Fotona Laser

The Next Generation in Multi-Applications

The award winning, medical grade Fotona’s
SP Dynamis Pro laser system is

designed to perform all major aesthetic treatments. By combining two

complementary laser wavelengths, Dynamis laser function is a highly versatile,

multi-purpose system that can perform an exceptionally wide range of

applications in aesthetics, surgery and gynecology.


Fotona's Nd:YAG wavelength helps to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate the

production of collagen, while the Er:YAG wavelength promotes the formation

of new and tighter skin and is ideal for brushing away surface imperfections to

reveal visually attractive, long-lasting results. 





Our medical grade (class 1/B) Chip-On-Board (COB) Xen LED delivers an

innovation in LED design, allowing for a much higher packing density than

earlier technologies; with COB technology, we are able to use 38 times more

LEDs than any other device.


This higher efficiency results in optimised performance in an LED array

by increasing light intensity and reducing array heat allowing for faster,

full-dosage treatments.


Clinically Proven Wavelengths


Xen Led system use only clinically proven wavelengths delivered at the optimised

intensity and dose, enabling effective photo biomodulation of targeted cells and skin

tissue with proven results. More info.


Observ 520 Skin Analysis

The skin is much more complex than what can be seen with the naked

eye – that’s why we use the Observ 520 for professional skin analysis.


With advanced analysis technology we can view blemishes, fine lines,

dryness and uneven skin tone in depth. This allows us to better understand

your unique skin concerns to treat existing imperfections, and even address

underlying concerns before they become visible.

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