While winter is the most awaited time for many, for some, it is the skin’s harshest enemy. The cold climate can extremely dry our skin and, worse, cause cracked lips and other skin problems. Although winter is not a friendly season to the skin, we can also take this as a chance to get non-invasive skin treatments without getting too much exposure to the sun.
Winter is now deemed the new skincare season. If this is something you’re interested in, here is a list of a few skin treatments that are best undergone during the winter:
Chemical Peel
The chemical peel is generally known as a facial peel. It uses chemicals to peel off the outermost layer of the skin, where you can find oil and dirt build-up, scars, and other impurities. After the treatment, you can expect smoother and more glowing skin that will further improve as your skin regenerates skin cells. If you undergo chemical peeling consistently, you will notice fading acne scars and lesser acne formations.
Facial peels can vary from mild, medium, to extensive - Mask peel (mild), Mela peel (medium), and Cosmo peel (deep). It may take seven days to heal your face after extensive treatment. And since this treatment involves chemicals, your skin may be sensitive even to the winter sun. For this reason, dermatologists recommend using SPF 30 sunscreen or higher to protect your skin.
Laser Hair Removal
As the name suggests, laser hair removal uses a laser to destroy the hair follicles and prevent recurrent hair growth. With this treatment, you can save your skin from the abrasions of shaving blade and wax. Laser hair removal takes effect faster for people with lesser skin pigmentation or those who have lighter skin complexion. However, this does not mean that it is not effective for people with darker skin, but they might just have to undergo more sessions than others.
Keep in mind that skin exposure must be avoided before and after laser hair removal. As such, winter is the best time to undergo this treatment. If you start your sessions during the cold season, you will achieve your desired results in a few months, just in time for summer!
When your skin is too damaged and unhealthy, it might not be able to heal itself wholly. The sun gives the skin the harshest effects. By simply not using an umbrella when it’s sunny, you are already hurting your skin.
Micro-needling or dermapen skin needling regulates the skin’s natural healing process by leaving tiny puncture wounds on the skin. This treatment boosts the collagen production in the skin to help rejuvenate skin and make it more glowing. Micro-needling also reduces stubborn scars, stretch marks and cellulitis.
Laser Treatments
While beauty products can easily conceal skin imperfections, laser treatments can help permanently remove such imperfections. With this treatment, the affected area of the skin is directed with laser beams to reduce wrinkles, dark spots, freckles, and hyperpigmentations.
Conclusion - Non-Invasive Skin Treatments
Apparently, there are also tricks to follow in achieving a plumper and healthier skin. While having a skincare routine requires consistency, it does not necessarily mean that your skincare must be the same for every season. According to dermatologists, as the season changes, your skincare habits must also adapt to it. In this case, these skin treatments are best done during the cold season.
As the winter begins, take advantage of the season and visit Advanced Laser Clinic in Sanctuary Lakes, VIC, to have your facial treatments. If you want to know how to get rid of acne, then get in touch with our experts today to see how we can help!