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Biretix Skin Care is clinically proven for acne prone skin. The product is designed using special formulas to help prevent and decrease signs of adolescents and adults. 

Acne is enough to knock your confidence but with the Biretix program, you can gain control over your skin. Expect to see optimal results and real improvements in your skin, clearer, smoother and feel refreshed. The essential ingredient of the program is Biretix gel that helps every stage of acne prone skin. 

A perfect combination of RetinSphere Technology and BIOPEP-15, improve the look and condition of acne-prone skin. Use Biretix products to maintain moisture and an optimal balance between tolerability and effectiveness for a long time. 

Biretix skincare leaves your skin smooth and clear having a combination of advanced ingredients that help prevent acne recurrence.

Reclaim your confidence with smooth and clean skin.  



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Safety and Efficacy of Retinsphere® Technology and Biopep-15 in the treatment of Acne in Asian Population.

By Gabriel MTG, Oblepias MSM, Vitale M (2020). Journal of Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology 4(2): 16966/2576-2826.148. Read Full Text.

Clinical studies & research

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